The “Chalking of the Door” is a way to celebrate and literally mark the occasion of the Epiphany and God’s blessing of our lives and home.
It's a new year, and you are still the same you: a sinner who is simultaneously perfect in every way because Christ declares it to be so.
In Simeon's hands and Anna's gaze, we are reminded of God's promise—not distant, not fading, but alive.

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He will never leave you nor forsake you. Your faith is not fragile glass.
This is an excerpt from Chapter 6 of Clothed with Christ written by Brian W. Thomas (1517 Publishing, 2024). Now available!
This article is part of Stephen Paulson’s series on the Psalms.
What a small thing in the big picture to give his head for the Head of the Church who would give his life for John and all sinners.
It is the story of a God who is not distant, not indifferent, not doing anything in half-measures, but who is here, now.
In the Bible, we meet the God who also does not prance around naked as a jaybird.
What the gospel does is take people who were enemies of God and transform them into lovers of God
God’s headline for his church prioritizes the person of Jesus and his purpose to demonstrate God’s power by dying and rising again for our salvation.
God can never really be said to be ignoring us, even if our experience with God at any given moment is that he is.
When the historical importance of revivalism is understood, one can appreciate that the question, “Could America experience another revival?” is also a question about the fate of Christianity in America.
God’s words do things. When God blesses you, you are blessed.
The Lion of Judah, Christ the King, Jesus of Nazareth, will not be away from us for one night.