The gospel gives us faith, hope, and love, all of which proceed from Christ’s death and resurrection.
As you step into the days ahead, remember this: no matter how lost you may feel, you have a God who seeks you out, celebrates your return, and rejoices over you.
Be relieved, whatever has had you anxious. He is with us and about his Father’s business, which is your salvation.

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This is an excerpt from the introduction of Ragged: Spiritual Disciplines for the Spiritually Exhausted written by Gretchen Ronnevik (1517 Publishing, 2021). Now available for preorder.
What kind of shepherd does God provide? The answer, of course, starts and ends with Christ.
The biblical shepherd leads his sheep. He provides for their needs. He protects them from enemies, and he does not leave his sheep unattended.
Resurrection life is not something cast into the future. The future is now.
He continues to gather other sheep in, and He does it through the selfless serving and the gracious speaking of His people.
Jesus rejects what we believe is most necessary and instead points us to his pain, suffering, death, and self-sacrifice.
"Vocation: The Setting for Human Flourishing" by Michael Berg is now available for purchase
Jesus’s touch of this leper is the touchstone of the gospel itself. It’s a living parable of his entire ministry.
After more than a year of facing our collective mortality as a species, the promise of a physical resurrection is welcome news.
Preachers are called to consider how the resurrection reverberates in the present but also the future.
The Light of the LORD, Jesus Christ, has risen upon us and set us apart as the chosen people of God.
Jesus is proclaiming the good news that he has come to put an end to laboring to be loved by God.