1. The righteousness of Job.
  2. What's the difference between a stay at home mom and a Tradwife?
  3. Co-host, Katie Koplin has curated a gospel central devotional for moms, and it's coming out this next Tuesday.
  4. In today's episode of Tough Texts, Scott Keith and Daniel Emery Price discuss Abraham's willingness to sacrifice his son Isaac in Genesis 22:1-14.
  5. A life of good and the abandonment of Job.
  6. We have back on our dear friend, Sarah Crowder, as she talks about her contribution to the upcoming devotional "Encouragent to Motherhood."
  7. Craig and Troy ponder Palm Sunday as they look at Jesus riding on an unused donkey into Jerusalem.
  8. In episode TWO HUNDRED AND SIXTY-FIVE, Jason, Mike and Wade discuss the monastic impulse and how vocations sends into neighbor relationships rather than pulling us out of them.
  9. Where can man find wisdom?
  10. In this first of 2 episodes on Psalm 135 Chad talks about our plenteous supply of other gods, and meditates on how the God aboves all gods cares for us.
  11. Stilled chaos and Job’s integrity.