1. Do You Have a Great Hymn This Week? Go Fish! This week, Gillespie and Riley discuss Thomas Chisholm’s poem turned hymn, Great is Thy Faithfulness. More discussion of hymnody, church music, and how what we sing can help or hinder pastoral care.
  2. Jesus joins us in our weirdness. In this episode, Gillespie and Riley continue their discussion of how to judge a hymn with Joseph Scriverner’s classic hymn, "What a Friend We Have in Jesus."
  3. Pump the hate brakes, Riley! This week, Gillespie and Riley begin a four-episode discussion on how to judge a hymn. In the first installment, they look at Amazing Grace and ask: "Is this a great, good, or bad hymn?" What makes a Christian hymn great? What should a church do with bad hymns?
  4. On this episode, the Thinking Fellows talk about catechisms and catechetical methodology. During the Reformation, catechisms were a tool for addressing the issue of Christian education.
  5. The seventh episode of the History of The Reformation brings the Fellows to a challenging time in Lutheran history.
  6. This week, Gillespie and Riley tackle your questions and comments. We discuss election, Augustine, Luther, Calvin, Bible translations, Sunday School, and much, much more.
  7. On episode SEVENTY-THREE of Let the Bird Fly! Wade and Mike welcome back Dr. Jeremy Zima, who was a guest on Episode 36, The Guys Get Music.
  8. Caleb Keith is joined by Drs. Jim Nestingen and John Pless for a special episode recorded in Bergen Norway.
  9. On this episode, the Fellows tackle a handful of ranging from confirmation to the relationship between Lutheran's and Anglicans.
  10. The Small Catechism was a tool for pastors and families to learn the essential doctrine of the Chrisitan faith.
  11. On episode THIRTY-SIX of Let the Bird Fly! the guys welcome Dr. Jeremy Zima to discuss what he discusses best: Music.