1. Chad and Daniel discuss Jacob and Joseph being reunited with many tears, Pharaoh accepting Israel into Egypt and there is a whole lot of talk about sojourning.
  2. Chad and Daniel talk about the last time God will speak for 400 years, eating holiness and the silence of God during exile.
  3. Chad, Daniel, and Brandon talk about Joseph sending his brothers back to get their Father and Jacob's response. The pictures of our own reconciliation are vivid.
  4. This is a special midweek episode of the Thinking Fellows featuring Dr. Jim Nestingen. The fellows join Dr. Nestingen in a bar just outside the annual NALC convention to talk about what it means to be a mentor. Sit back, relax, grab a drink, and enjoy the show.
  5. This week the Fellows are joined by Pastor Joel Hess to talk about just what it is a pastor does. Joel is a writer for the Jagged and 1517. Sit back, relax, grab a drink, and find out why you should come to expect the proclamation of Christ given for you every Sunday.
  6. Chad and Daniel continue in Genesis. Judah steps forward to take Benjamin's place and Joseph reveals his identity. This episode is loaded with pictures of Christ, forgiveness, and grace.
  7. Chad and Daniel talk about Joseph's brothers returning to him, everyone getting drunk, Benjamin's special treatment and Joseph's master plan. The wine is flowing, cups are being planted and grace is about to abound when all seems lost.
  8. On episode 26 the Fellows are joined by Pastor Craig Donofrio to talk about missions. Lutherans, especially in the LCMS are often accused of ignoring the mission field, pastor Donofrio talks about why that has changed, and why it is more important than ever to not only back missionaries abroad, but also to evangelize her in the United States. Sit back, relax, grab a drink, and enjoy the show.
  9. Chad and Daniel talk about Joseph's interaction with his brothers and their interaction with Jacob. Money is given back, people are panicking, Grandsons are offered as collateral and tough decisions must be made.
  10. Daniel and Chad talk about Joseph's rise to power and lying to himself about forgetting his family. Famine has struck and the craziest family reunion ever is happening. "Old guilt gathers no rust."
  11. Chad and Daniel talk about Joseph's time in prison, who he meets there, the dreams they have and what it means when God remembers. It turns out there are two ways to have your head lifted.
  12. On Episode 20 the Fellows talk about the Church and what it means to be a member of the bride of Christ. Additionally, we answer a fan question for the first time. Sit back, relax, grab a drink, and find out why the Church is more than a building.