1. It's easy to find other religions to blame for social or theological ills. But what if the real problem isn't worshipping the wrong God, but the right God in the wrong way? Join us on part 1 of a two-part series on the "religion of cruel power".
  2. On episode FORTY-TWO of Let the Bird Fly! the guys welcome the Rigge family to discuss what it’s like to open and run a winery in Minnesota.
  3. On episode THIRTY-SIX of Let the Bird Fly! the guys welcome Dr. Jeremy Zima to discuss what he discusses best: Music.
  4. On episode TWENTY-FIVE of Let the Bird Fly! the guys take podcasting self-indulgence to a whole new level by discussing the paths that led them to join forces on Let the Bird Fly!
  5. On this episode of the Thinking Fellows, Dr. Keith is Joined by Paul and Cindy Koch to talk about Cindy's new book.
  6. On episode SEVENTEEN of Let the Bird Fly! Wade breaks out on his own providing an expanded discussion of his blog post Beware the Fearmonger.
  7. Today, the Fellows have Dr. Joel Oesch on to define and discuss transhumanism and its importance.
  8. On this episode, the fellows have a military historian, Caleb Karges on the show to talk about Just War Theory.
  9. This week’s show is a Wasteland Companion episode- that is, a show where we take a book and walk through its themes, history, big ideas, etc… You need not have ANY prior knowledge of the book to listen. If you do, hopefully this can jog some memories. We chose to talk about the brothers Karamazov because we both believe it to contain some of the more gut wrenching and savage attacks on human nature and God.
  10. This week’s show is a Wasteland Companion episode- that is, a show where we take a book and walk through its themes, history, big ideas, etc… You need not have ANY prior knowledge of the book to listen. If you do, hopefully this can jog some memories. We chose to talk about the brothers Karamazov because we both believe it to contain some of the more gut wrenching and savage attacks on human nature and God.