1. Mike once again finds his way over to Wade's backyard, this time to discuss the riveting topic of syllabi. They are joined in the backyard by Wade's second oldest son, Ziggy, who joins them for part of the main topic, but seems more interested in the Free-for-All discussion of the upcoming College Football and NFL seasons.
  2. The year was 1109. Today we remember one of the “Big A’s” Anselm of Canterbury. The reading is from T.S. Eliot.
  3. The year was 1962. Today we remember Karl Barth and his featured cover story in the popular TIME Magazine. The reading is from Barth.
  4. The year was 1529. Today we remember the birth of “Protestantism” and its development over the centuries. The reading is from the Protestant Richard Baxter.
  5. The year was 1521. Today we remember the famous Reformation soliloquy of Martin Luther. The reading is from Luther’s most famous hymn. #OTD #1517 #christianhistory
  6. The year was 1843. Today we remember the Moravian Jamaican missionary in Ghana. The reading is from Alfred Lord Tennyson's "In Memoriam."
  7. The year was 1218. Today we remember the mysterious and enigmatic Peter Waldo. The reading is from Alexander Pope.
  8. Oh goodness, it’s so evil. In this episode, we continue reading and discussing Simone Weil on evil. If God alone is good what does that mean for our understanding of ourselves and the world?
  9. The year was 1749. Today we remember J.S. Bach's "Mass in B Minor." The reading is from Richard Crashaw's "Two Went Up to the Temple to Pray."
  10. The year was 1434. Today we consider the Nantes Cathedral. The reading is from R.S. Thomas's "In A Country Church."
  11. Am I Evil? In this episode, Simone Weil on evil. What is evil, and how is it distinct from what is good? How does our understanding of evil, or our ignorance of it, affect the churches?