1. The year was 1943. We remember Danish Lutheran pastor Kjeldgaard Jensen. The reading is from Dietrich Bonhoeffer, his "Meditations on the Cross."
  2. God the Father, God the Space Ghost, and God the Holy Ghost? That doesn't seem right. How about, God the Father, God the Created Son, and . . . no, that's not right either. Craig and Troy look at some more Christoogical heresies that try to understand Jesus, but miss the mark.
  3. The year was 1800. We remember Nat Turner. The reading is from the Epistle of St. Paul to the Ephesians chapter three, verse twenty-five.
  4. Forget prayer, America needs the use of logic and civilized discourse! So do preachers. What if preachers actually honestly engage the culture instead of cry “martyr”? Ringside meets The Craft of Preaching with special guest Dr. Ben Haupt.
  5. The year was 1567. We remember a few stories filled with court intrigue, suspicion, and murder, as well as Pietro Carnesecchi, a humanist and would-be Reformer. The reading is “The World is not Conclusion” by Emily Dickinson.
  6. The year was 1958. We remember the author Elsie Singmaster. The reading is from Frances Ellen Watkins Harper, “That Blessed Hope.”
  7. The year was 1349. We remember the English hermit, mystic, and author Richard Rolle. The reading is from 19th-century poet James Montgomery, “Come To Calvary’s Holy Mountain.”
  8. The year was 1529. We remember the death of Adolf Clarenbach and Peter Fliesteden. The reading is from Martin Luther's Large Catechism in response to the petition in the Lord's prayer for the forgiveness of sins.
  9. The year was 1805. We remember the English minister and advocate for orphans, George Müller. The reading is from D.S. Martin, “Sitting on A Stone."
  10. The year was 1897 and we remember the production of the Christian flag. The reading is a quote from the 2nd-century theologian, Origen.
  11. Knowing who Jesus is allows us to be reassured of our salvation. Jesus is both true God and true man, in a mysterious way that cannot be fully understood. "Bad words" about Jesus result in heresy and are destructive to your faith.
  12. The year was 2000. We remember Welsh priest and poet, R.S. Thomas. The reading is from Thomas, "The Coming."