1. Daniel, Chad, and Erick discuss the Hebrews becoming slaves, how Moses escaped murder as an infant, how he ran after killing an Egyptian, and God calling him to deliver His people, and what that deliverance looked like.
  2. Daniel, Chad, and Erick discuss Joseph being sold by his brothers, interpreting dreams in Egypt, his rise to power, and saving his family in a drought.
  3. Daniel, Chad, and Erick discuss the strange birth of Jacob, how he stole his brother’s blessing, his marriage to sisters, and his wrestling with God.
  4. Daniel, Chad, and Erick discuss the calling of Abraham, the birth and near sacrifice of Isaac, and God’s promise of a nation.
  5. Daniel, Chad, and Erick discuss the devolution of man, Noah and the flood, and the tower of Babel.
  6. Daniel, Chad, and Erick discuss Adam and Eve, the fall of mankind, and Cain and Able.
  7. Daniel, Chad, and Erick discuss God, the Trinity, and creation.
  8. Today on the Almanac, we go to the mailbag to answer a question about musicians from various Christian denominations.
  9. Today on the Almanac, we go to the mailbag to answer a question about church demographics in North America and the world.
  10. The God that won’t stay dead. In this episode, we wrap up our discussion of God, Nietzsche, and how Jesus fights against our attempts at self-atonement.
  11. Today on the Almanac, we remember the complicated Archbishop of Munich Michael Von Faulhaber, and his relationship with the church and Hitler.