1. Your Guilt Is Misplaced. In this episode, we discuss Robert Capon’s book, The Foolishness of Preaching. We focus on Capon’s argument for why death and resurrection must be preached for a sermon to be rightly called a Christian sermon, for it to be a Gospel proclamation, and the consequences for preachers who avoid addressing sin, death, and forgiveness of sins.
  2. Caleb Keith and Scott Keith join Steven Paulson and Ken Jones to remember their mentor Jim Nestingen.
  3. Welcome to the Church, Can I Take Your Order? In this episode, we discuss Clement of Rome on the Church, especially good order, fruits of faith, and why the congregation at Corinth shouldn’t run off its pastors.
  4. Only briefly distracted by another Christmas rant, Craig and Troy return to the book of Timothy to examine the qualifications of a deacon of the church
  5. Let’s Not Talk About Love. In this episode, we discuss R.C. Sproul’s Christmas sermon wherein he preaches on the Gospel of Luke chapter 2. The espresso kicked in early, and we read through the whole sermon before diving deep into the distinction between exposition and proclamation, so buckle up. Riley talks too much while Gillespie exercises patience and restraint.
  6. In 1 Timothy 2, Paul sets out to describe how the church service is conducted and structured. What is governing principle for both?
  7. They Call Me… Tim. In this episode, we discuss Tim Keller’s sermon, The Purpose of Christmas. Does it matter that Jesus’ birth is a historical fact? What’s the difference between an eyewitness account and a legend? What are we really preaching at Christmas, and why should anyone care?
  8. God Doesn’t Do Prophet-sharing. In this episode, we discuss Gerhard von Rad’s explanation of a prophet’s freedom and lack of choice regarding his call and proclamation. What’s at stake for preachers, and all Christians, when God calls us to speak a specific word, to a specific people, at a specific time according to his decision?
  9. We Are Live! In this episode, we recorded a live show at the Here We Still Stand 2022 conference, so of course, we read Nietzsche and discussed salvation.
  10. Do You Read The Bible? What’s Your Secret? In this episode, we discuss how to understand the Bible from Matthias Flacius’ book, How to Understand the Sacred Scriptures.