1. The year was 1600. We remember Luis De Molina. The reading is the conclusion of Walt Hearn's "The Scientist's Psalm."
  2. Why Christians are commanded to pray down curses upon their enemies. This episode, Christ in the Psalms, by Patrick Henry Reardon. What's an imprecatory psalm? Why are we taught by Scripture to pray imprecatory psalms, but have largely excluded such prayers from our churches? How does psalm 5 point us to Jesus and culture simultaneously?
  3. The year was 1962. The Second Vatican Council was convened. The reading is from Karl Barth, an excerpt from a sermon on Ephesians 2.
  4. The year was 1674. We remember the poet Reverend Thomas Traherne. The reading is the Anglican collect for Traherne.
  5. Don't glue boards together and don't drink the Kool-Aid. Craig and Troy describe why both of those make for bad Christological heresies. We trust in the true Christ who is fully God and fully man, given for us.
  6. The year was 1201. We remember Robert of Sorbonne. The reading is a paraphrase of Francis of Assisi from "All Creatures of Our God and King."
  7. The year was 1927. We remember missionary and martyr Phillip James, or “Jim” Elliot. The reading is an excerpt from chapter 11 of the Epistle to the Hebrews.
  8. Order in the church and why the resurrection means everything.
  9. The year was 1796. We remember the pastor and philosopher Thomas Reid. The reading is an excerpt from Eugene Peterson's "A Long Obedience in the Same Direction."
  10. The year was 1919. We remember Baron Paul Nicolay, the Lutheran evangelist in Russia. Our reading is from Russian dissident Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, titled "Confession."
  11. Saul errors by taking priestly duties into his own hands.
  12. The year was 1695. We remember the Reverend John Glas. The reading is "Sing Hosanna" by Glas.