1. The year was 1636 and John Winthrop was elected Gov. of Mass. Bay Colony. The reading is from "The Inner Life" by Thomas A' Kempis.
  2. We remember the year 1920 and "Baptists and Religious Liberty" by George W. Truett. The reading is a quote from Dietrich Bonhoeffer's "Discipleship."
  3. We remember the year 1886 and Emily Dickinson. The reading is from Emily Dickinson, "This World Is Not Conclusion ."
  4. We remember the year 1890 and the birth of Rosa Young. The reading is from Countee Cullen, "Simon The Cyrenian Speaks."
  5. We remember the year 2006 and the death of historian Jaroslav Pelikan. The reading is from Steve Brown "A Scandalous Freedom."
  6. We remember the year 1915 and Brother Roger of the Taizé Community. The reading is a quote from Brother Roger.
  7. We remember the year 1825 and the founding of the American Tract Society. The reading is from Christina Rossetti, "Good Friday."
  8. We remember the year 1569 and the death of John of Avila. The reading is from Jürgen Moltmann's "The Passion of Christ and the Pain of God."
  9. I Hope Our Ministry Makes The Cut. In this episode, the limits of the law, why we feel the need to limit the Gospel, and what happens when ministries diverge.
  10. We remember the year 1907 and the birth of Kathryn Kuhlman. The reading is from Denise Levertov, "Taste and See."