1. The Thinking Fellows are together with Dr. Wade Johnston to discuss Matthias Flacius. This episode serves as a crossover between our series on great thinkers of the Christian faith and our current Reformation topics.
  2. "What Drove Luther's Hammer" is a look behind the curtain of Martin Luther's reasons for reform.
  3. Melanchthon is both massively influential to Lutheranism but is often described as a detractor of Lutheranism because of some late writings.
  4. In The Fall of 2016, Dr. James Nestingen came on our show and talked about the Bondage of the Will.
  5. Our subject is Johan Arndt who was a prominent Lutheran Pastor and author who lived between 1555 and 1621.
  6. On this episode, our resident historian Dr. Adam Francisco talks about Martin Luther and his view of apologetics.
  7. Today we celebrate the upcoming 499th anniversary of the Lutheran Reformation. Joining us this episode is Dr. Steve Hein who is an author and contributor at 1517 the Legacy Project. This episode is about the history and importance of the Reformation and how we carry on that legacy and recovery today. Sit back, relax, grab a pint, and enjoy the show.
  8. Today you’ll hear the giddy voice of Dr. Keith and the calm demeanor of Dr. Kolb as they go over the details concerning the history, background, and Loci of Philip Melanchthon. If you're even remotely interested in Lutheran theology this is an episode you shouldn’t miss. Sit back, relax, grab a drink, and listen to the show.
  9. On this episode of the Thinking Fellows, Dr. Jim Nestingen stops by to talk about Luther's book the Bondage of the Will. This episode is filled with profound wisdom, great stories, and a whole lot of fun. Sit back, relax, grab a drink, and enjoy the show.
  10. Do Lutherans even have a doctrine of predestination? I thought that was the Calvinists? This week, The Fellows discuss predestination, which is a little known or seldom talked about doctrine among Lutherans. Sit back, relax, and grab a drink to find out why predestination is a gift of assurance and not a tool to damn your neighbor.
  11. On this episode, the Thinking Fellows do things differently. Deviating from the typical Loci topics, the guys interview Pastor Brian Thomas. Brian Thomas is the author of 1517 the Legacy Project's latest book Wittenberg vs. Geneva. The Fellows talk about the book and briefly cover how Lutheranism differs from Calvinism. Sit back, relax, and enjoy the show.
  12. The Thinking Fellows discuss the human will and ask some important questions. What role does the will have in or on the Christian life? What does it mean for the will to be bound? And does the will have anything to do with faith or salvation? As usual, the Fellows look to Scripture and the teachings of the Lutheran Reformation for the answer. Sit back, relax, grab a drink, and enjoy the show.