1. If you admit that you’re the weaker brother, does that make you the stronger brother because the stronger brother refused to admit he’s the weaker brother? . . . or something like that.
  2. Jesus is born, and His birth is proclaimed to shepherds which includes good news for all of us.
  3. Gabriel appears to Mary with the shocking announcement that she is to be the mother of the Son of God. How should we view Mary?
  4. In this episode we discuss original sin and total depravity.
  5. I like to think of Jesus as a mischievous badger. Gillespie and Riley again read and discuss C.S. Lewis' The Joyful Christian. This episode, the Incarnation. Do we go far enough with Jesus' incarnation, to where He wants us to go with him?
  6. And I'm Free, Free Falling... Gillespie and Riley read and discuss C.S. Lewis' meditation on the Fall into Sin. They go deep into the subjects of free will, dualism, retributive justice, and why discussing sin isn't as easy as we'd like.
  7. It’s inconceivable! Gillespie and Riley continue to read and discuss Robert Capon’s “The Mystery of Christ... and why we don’t get it.” Faith, works, and more Christian absurdity.
  8. Would You Like to Play a Game? Gillespie and Riley return to Robert Capon to read and discuss the incarnation of Jesus and how we try to turn free grace into a transaction.
  9. You’re using theological coconuts! In this episode, Gillespie and Riley read and discuss The Schwabach Articles. Sin, faith, lots of Holy Spirit, and why the Schwabach Articles are the roots of Lutheran, Reformed, and Protestant confessions of faith.
  10. You have us the Good News now give us the goods! This week, Gillespie and Riley give Oswald Chambers a second go-round, reading and discussing The Collision of God and Sin.
  11. This Isn’t a Good Place for a Yogurt Shop. Riley and Gillespie tackle a daily devotion from one of the OG of the Holiness Movement, Oswald Chambers.
  12. Riley and Gillespie dig into the Doctor Angelicus and his catechism on Baptism.