1. Saul and the regretful God who doesn't regret.
  2. The year was 1164. We remember Thomas Beckett. The reading is T.S. Eliot's "Murder in the Cathedral."
  3. The year was 1517. We remember Michelangelo's magnum opus, the Sistine Chapel. The reading is from Richard Crashaw, "Christ's Victory."
  4. Just like we end up walking in circles when lost with no navigation instruments, so does humankind outside of Christ. Nothing has changed since the Reformation. People still suck and God still loves.
  5. The year was 1916. We remember Charles Taze Russell. The reading is from Anna Kamienska, “Lack of Faith.”
  6. The year was 1680. We remember the mystic, adventurer, and self-proclaimed prophet, Antoinette Bourignon. The reading is from Kate Bowler, "Everything Happens for A Reason, and Other Lies I've Loved."
  7. Introduction and first chapter of 2nd Corinthians.
  8. The year was 370. We remember the story of St. Regulus' fantastic escape with the relics of St. Andrew. The reading is from Anne Brontë, "The Penitent."
  9. Chad meditates on what it means to look to God and how He looks at us.
  10. The year was 1466. We remember Desiderius Erasmus of Rotterdam. The reading is an excerpt from Psalm 60 in the Scottish Metrical Psalter of 1650.
  11. The year was 1978. We remember the first printing of the New International Version of the Bible. The reading is from N.T. Wright, "Simply Christian: Why Christianity Makes Sense."