1. Craig and Troy open up the heresy series by looking at Gnosticism, the belief that the physical world is evil, the spiritual world is good, and we are saved by having a secret special knowledge.
  2. The year is 2020 and we celebrate the 500th episode of the Almanac. Dan answers five questions explaining how the show is made.
  3. The year was 1067. We remember Lady Godiva. The reading is from the Epistle to the Philippians on the humiliation of Christ.
  4. The year was 1952. We remember the television program “Life Is Worth Living." The reading is from St. Augustine, a reminder of the good news of the simplicity of the Christian life.
  5. The year was 1783. We remember Nikolai Frederick Severin Grundtvig. The reading is from Grundtvig, “Holy Spirit, Still our Sorrow.”
  6. The Rock searching for donkeys but finding a throne.
  7. The year was 1892. We remember Quaker, poet, abolitionist, and defender of the Christian faith, John Greenleaf Whittier. The reading is a poem from Whittier, "My Namesake."
  8. The year was 1797. We remember Saint Innocent—Metropolitan of Moscow, Enlightener of the Aleuts, and Apostle to the Americas. The reading is from Kate Bowler, an excerpt from "Everything Happens for a Reason: And Other Lies I've Loved."
  9. The year was 1568, and we remember the curious utopian, Catholic, heretic, and freedom fighter against the Spanish, Tommasso Campanella. The reading is from Arthur Hugh Clough, “With Whom is No Variableness, Neither Shadow of Turning.”
  10. What is heresy, anyway? Why does it matter? Craig and Troy walk through the basic understandings of heresy and heterodoxy and their dangers. True Biblical teaching always leads us to who Jesus really is, and who He is for you. Email us: ForYouRadio@1517.org St. James Lutheran Church www.stjameslcms.church St. Peter's Lutheran Church www.Stpeterslc.org We're proud to be a podcast of 1517.org podcasts.