1. As this Psalm is set in the the time of the Babylonian exile, Chad Bird meditates on the types of exile we find in scripture and in our lives.
  2. There are times when we feel farther away from God than we used to be. This reminds us that even though we feel exiled, God is with us in our exile.
  3. Look away from me, that I may smile again. Rather than putting on a happy face, it might be better to honestly grieve during seasons of heartbrokenness.
  4. We remember the year 1453 and the fall of Constantinople. The reading is "The Eternal Gifts of Christ the King" by Ambrose of Milan.
  5. We remember the year 2007 and the death of theologian John Macquarrie. The reading is a quote from Macquarrie.
  6. We remember the year 1576 and the birth of Caspar Schoppe. The reading is from Richard Crashaw, "A Song."
  7. We remember the year 1831 and the death of Georg Hermes. The reading is from the Pensees of Blaise Pascal.
  8. It's ok to remember those who gave their life for their country and not remind them that Jesus did something greater just so they don't get a big head. You can tell them the Good News however! Sins forgiven - for free!
  9. We remember the year 1925 and the indictment of John Scopes. The reading is from "The Everlasting Man" by G.K. Chesterton.
  10. We remember the year 1738 and Aldersgate Day. The reading is "Morning Hymn" by Charles Wesley.
  11. Levites, idols, war, and an "unfaithful” concubine.