1. Romans 6 and into 7: We find that God works salvation in mankind by way of gift and not by works. What does it mean to be set free from sin and being a slave to God? Is that a good thing to be a slave and what does it mean to be set free into slavery? God works salvation in us, it is not our doing for the free gift of God is salvation, for sinners. Join Craig and Troy as they talk about all of these topics and more.
  2. On this day, we remember Francois Hotman, born 1524, and the St. Bartholomew's Eve Massacre of 1572. The reading is from Sir Phillip Sydney, "Leave me, O Love."
  3. On this day, the Alcasian contemporary of the first Reformers, Beatus Rhenanus, was born in 1485. We also remember one of the most unlikely to beatified, St. Guinefort. The reading is from George MacDonald, "Obedience."
  4. On this day in 1741, Handel began composing his most famous work, the oratorio "Messiah." Today, we also remember Alexander Konstantin von Oettingen, Lutheran pastor and statistician, who died in 1905. The reading is from Dietrich Bonhoeffer on forgiveness from "Letters and Papers from Prison."
  5. Romans 6 continued... BAPTISM! The Apostle Paul continues to talk about life in Christ and forgiveness and mercy. - Is baptism more than just a symbol or a Christian ritual? - Who is at work in baptism, God or man? - Who chooses whom in salvation? - Do you choose God or has God chosen you? Join Craig and Troy as they talk about all of these topics and more.
  6. On this day, we remember two European-born theologians who changed the face of the church in America: Francis Asbury and Paul Tillich. The reading is "The Good Shepherd" by Richard Baxter.
  7. On this day, we celebrate the Feast of Apples, also known as the Transfiguration. It is the birthday of C.I. Scofield, born on this day in 1843. The reading is from St. Augustine on the Transfiguration.
  8. On this day, we remember the patron saints of masons and horses, Florus and Laurus. And we remember the work of Jean Bolland, whose work collected and preserved the stories of the saints. The reading is "For All the Saints" by William How.
  9. Cheap Grace? "What shall we say then? Are we to continue in sin that grace may abound? By no means! How can we who died to sin still live in it?" - What is "Sanctification" really all about? - How does Baptism relate to our justification and our Sanctification? Join Craig and Troy as they talk about all of these topics and more.
  10. On this day, we remember J.V. Andreae, born in 1586, mystic and alchemist. Today is also the commemoration of Johann Gerhard, scholastic and pietist Lutheran. The reading is From "A Handbook of Consolations" by Johann Gerhard.