1. Pastor Killian Teaches On Deuteronomy 6:1-6
  2. Psalm 123 contains some of the most beautiful descriptions of the life of faith, describing how we look to God until “He shall be gracious to us” as we wait in hope.
  3. Psalm 45 gives us a beautiful description of a wedding, and much more for those with eyes of faith, for we see in this Psalm a beautiful picture of ehat to look forward to in eternity.
  4. Psalm 50 is rebuke to those that either think they are too important, or they think God doesn't notice their acceptance of sin and hypocracy.
  5. Who’s Running the Verbs of Grace? In this episode, we discuss Augustine’s defense of God’s grace against the Pelagians, with a healthy dose of Reformation theology added for seasoning.
  6. Psalm 81 is another description of the errors of God’s people throughout history.
  7. It can all seem so unfair. The wicked prosper and the ones who look to God seem to suffer the most.
  8. The Lord told Moses to give a blessing on the people of Israel.
  9. Craig and Troy launch into a new mini-series on their favorite Scriptures . . . the ones that are the central themes of the faith
  10. What if God doesn’t hear me? The doubts and fears that lurk beneath our faith can rise up and speak to us in our worst times of struggle. Colin Heinrich sings “When Hope Disappears".
  11. Psalm 60 is a lament that begins with a harsh and bitter accusation, namely that God has rejected us. David complains about rejection, loss, national tragedy and