1. Lexham Press associate publisher, Todd Hains, joins Kelsi in this episode to discuss his book, Martin Luther and the Rule of Faith
  2. Today on the show, we tell the story of Guillaume Briçonnet, a man caught between stability and reform.
  3. Today on the show, we head to the mailbag to answer a question about the Moravians.
  4. Today on the show, we have a special mailbag episode about the daily lectionary.
  5. Francis & The Sunshine Band. In this episode, we discuss Francis Schaeffer’s ecumenical address to Lutherans, the consequences of seeking church unity using legal categories, the dilemma with Christian purity, the distinction between the hidden and revealed church, and why it matters.
  6. Today on the show, we remember the publishing of the first hymnal with hymns in the vernacular in 1501.
  7. Dr. Steve Paulson discusses what it means to endure evil with faith.
  8. Welcome to the Church, Can I Take Your Order? In this episode, we discuss Clement of Rome on the Church, especially good order, fruits of faith, and why the congregation at Corinth shouldn’t run off its pastors.
  9. Only briefly distracted by another Christmas rant, Craig and Troy return to the book of Timothy to examine the qualifications of a deacon of the church
  10. Today on the show, Dan tells the story of a man he spent three years researching, Johann Arndt.
  11. Today on the show, we head to the mailbag to answer a question about congregational singing and an early hymnal.
  12. Today on the show, we remember Herman Bavinck on the 101st anniversary of his death.