1. It’s very beautiful and very cold, and you’re not allowed to touch anything. Gillespie and Riley continue to read and discuss Martin Luther's Galatians commentary. This episode, the easiest way to get rid of Jesus.
  2. Oh, he’s very popular... they all adore him. They think he’s a righteous dude. Gillespie and Riley continue to read and discuss Martin Luther's Galatians commentary. This episode, self-righteousness, false virtue, and human works.
  3. Luther moves pretty fast. You don’t stop and read carefully once in a while, you could miss it. Gillespie and Riley continue to read and discuss Martin Luther's commentary on Galatians (1535). This episode, Jesus, jerks, COVID-19, and foxes.
  4. Luther’s Gospel Piñata! Gillespie and Riley read and discuss Martin Luther’s 1535 Galatians commentary. This episode, true wisdom, Satan, and the point of Paul’s letter to the Galatian church.
  5. We know how reading God's Word can sometimes be confusing, but it doesn't have to be. Craig and Troy discuss how God uses the Word in our lives by both convicting us of our sin and delivering us the forgiveness of those same sins through Jesus Christ. Be sure to subscribe to this podcast and give us a great review on iTunes or wherever you get your podcasts! Email us: ForYouRadio@1517.org www.1517.org/foryou We're proud to be a podcast of 1517.org podcasts.
  6. Click on the button with the picture of the Nazi on it. Gillespie and Riley read and discuss an excerpt from Hermann Sasse’s 1932 article against National Socialism. What happens when the message of the church and state are indistinguishable?
  7. Click on the button with the picture of the Nazi on it. Gillespie and Riley read and discuss an excerpt from Hermann Sasse’s 1932 article against National Socialism. What happens when the message of the church and state are indistinguishable?
  8. Cheap Grace, a monument to compromise. Gillespie and Riley continue their conversation about Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s book, The Cost of Discipleship. This episode, more talk about grace, Nazis, and why the Gospel “but” is so important.
  9. Cheap grace... some people would pay top dollar for that kind of breakthrough. Gillespie and Riley take a listener request and discuss Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s book, The Cost of Discipleship. Grace, discipline, Nazis, and why context matters in this episode.
  10. Break the cycle. Rise above. Focus on Christ in the manger. In their monumental 100th episode, Gillespie and Riley read and discuss G.K. Chesterton’s “The Christmas Ballads.” This episode, it’s a lot of incarnation talk and a few rabbit trails along the way.
  11. Sometimes, the end is just the beginning. Gillespie and Riley conclude their reading of Martin Luther’s treatise on The Bondage of The Will. This episode, they discuss the relation of emotions to God’s Word and why Christians aren’t skeptics.
  12. I’m sorry, but your opinion means very little to me. Gillespie and Riley start to wrap up their reading of Martin Luther’s Bondage of The Will with a discussion of the Bible’s clarity and why personal feelings and our need to find meaning in everything can hijack God’s Word.