1. Lent Is About Freedom. In this episode, we read Martin Luther’s 1525 Galatians commentary. Why is freedom a vulgar word to the old Adam? And we consider why freedom must be Lent's primary focus for Christians.
  2. Works of the Law and fruit of the Spirit.
  3. "Is all that we see or seem, but a dream within a dream?" Poe is wrong. Though we have lulled ourselves asleep, the reality is far brighter and beautiful than we imagine. Christ is risen and so shall we. The dreamer who dreams is He.
  4. The Thinking Fellows talk about Luther’s breakdown and examples of confession in the Small Catechism.
  5. A kept promise to deliver you from the principles of the world.
  6. Faith alone in Christ alone or a curse.
  7. Men sent from James and ifying the grace of God.
  8. The 3rd heaven, a thorn in the flesh, and the sufficient grace of God.