1. On episode TWO of Let the Bird Fly! we discuss time-zones, naps, recess, the story of the Fall in Genesis 3, the Human Condition, and probably far too much Kierkegaard.
  2. Christmas and apologetics go hand in hand this week as we talk about the incarnation of Christ.
  3. Almost everyone has heard it said that miracles are just fairy tail stories and the most inaccurate and deceptive parts of the Bible. The Thinking Fellows tackle the root of this objection and discuss why miracles cannot be dismissed without cause. Sit back, relax, grab a drink, and enjoy the show.
  4. If the New Testament truly is an accurate historical source, what implications does that mean about who Christ said he was and the things he did? This week, the fellows examine the claims of Christ particularly his resurrection and explain just how certain Christians can be in this great hope. Sit back, relax, grab a drink and enjoy the show.
  5. This week the Thinking Fellows are joined by Elyse Fitzpatrick and her son Joel Fitzpatrick to talk about a controversy revolving around the idea of the eternal subordination of the Son. The Fellows aren't here to join the fight but instead talk about the misapplication of the Trinity happening within the controversy. Sit back, relax, and grab a drink as the Fellows cover this special listener requested show.
  6. Last week we ran out of time and barely scratched the surface of the theology of the person and work of Christ. This week we continue our conversation and touch on active and passive obedience and other pieces of the "Godman" puzzle. Sit back, relax, and grab a drink as we conquer our first "part 2" episode.
  7. The Thinking Fellows premier episode. Drs. Rosenbladt, Keith, and Francisco follow the Loci Method to discuss the doctrine of sin.
  8. The Thinking Fellows premier episode. Drs. Rosenbladt, Keith, and Francisco follow the Loci Method to discuss the doctrine of sin.
  9. The fall of man and the God who searches.