1. What does it mean to become a child in order to enter the Kingdom of Heaven? Pride and earthly strength compete with Christlike humility.
  2. Praying for everyone Jesus died for.
  3. Two prostitutes and the wisdom of Solomon.
  4. Loving God and loving high places.
  5. The man of lawlessness and God is doing the verbs.
  6. Solomon deals with his “enemies” and brother.
  7. The confession of Jesus as the Christ is the firm foundation of the Church. Even as Peter was called blessed in confessing this, so too are we.
  8. The day of the Lord and complete sanctification.
  9. As we are continuing our "verses taken out of context" episodes, we are honored to have Rev. Bob Hiller, author of "Christ in the Straw" to help us understand James 2:26.