1. God Doesn’t Do Prophet-sharing. In this episode, we discuss Gerhard von Rad’s explanation of a prophet’s freedom and lack of choice regarding his call and proclamation. What’s at stake for preachers, and all Christians, when God calls us to speak a specific word, to a specific people, at a specific time according to his decision?
  2. Did Jesus Have to Die For That Sermon? In this episode, we discuss Gerhard Force’s book "Theology is For Proclamation," specifically the focus and function of all Jesus’ preaching and how it defines Christian preaching in every generation.
  3. In this episode, Paulson discusses why God hides the Gospel.
  4. Godly, upright in heart, righteous. Sinful, sorrowful, wasting away.
  5. Craig and Troy love Psalm 51 because of the truth it speaks: we are sinful, and God is gracious. When God cleanses, we are indeed made clean.
  6. Even from the moment of the Fall, God has never left us without His gracious promise of redemption. God moves first to cover us.
  7. We are discussing the fruit of the Spirit with our friend, Jessica Thompson, from the prespective of how this list describes how God loves us.
  8. Satan didn't lie, but he told Adam and Eve exactly what would happen. The only thing he didn't say is whether or not they would like it.
  9. The struggle is real. That is to say, the struggle with sin. Can we make ourselves holy? Can we find within ourselves the strength to make it better?
  10. Pain and suffering; it can feel like punishment from an angry God, and we try to figure out the cause, to our own frustration.
  11. In this episode, Paulson uncovers the "cold treatment" for predestination sickness.