1. Is Saul also among the Prophets?
  2. It is more blessed to give than to receive?
  3. Have Yourself A Very Enlightened Christmas. In this episode, an examination of the impact of the Enlightenment on the Church, especially the preaching and traditions of Advent and Christmas.
  4. Dr. Paulson discusses contemporary rejections of Martin Luther.
  5. Spear throwing and foreskin gathering.
  6. Godly grief and how the gospel produces generosity.
  7. Dr. Paulson and Caleb are joined by Scott Keith as they discuss the impact of Reformation Humanism.
  8. The love between David and Jonathan, and the suspicion of Saul.
  9. Dr. Paulson and Caleb are joined by Scott Keith to talk about Scholasticism during the Reformation.
  10. Receiving our due and the doctrine of imputation.