1. "You shall not covet." The final two commandments bring the Outlaw God back to the subject of the human will.
  2. We are interviewing Blake Flattley and Steve Zank to talk about the new "Freedom Lessons" album that they did with Flame.
  3. In this episode of Outside Ourselves, Kelsi chats with illustrator Natasha Kennedy about her illustrations in the FatCat Children Series books (Lexham Press).
  4. Dr. Paulson and Caleb enter the second table of the law. "You shall honor your father and mother."
  5. The Parable of the Lawless, Polygamist Groom. In this episode, we discuss the parable of the ten virgins as preached by John Piper. We converse about law and promise, red herrings, who’s wise and foolish in the parable, the bondage of the will and the doctrine of election, and the consequences for hearers of such parabolic sermons.
  6. What does it mean to remember the Sabbath Day? In this episode, Dr. Paulson and Caleb discuss what it means to worship God and receive his gifts.
  7. Blake Flattley and Flame join Caleb and Bruce to discuss their new album, Freedom Lessons.
  8. In this book club episode, we discuss "Art and Faith" by Makoto Fujimura. This was a book recommended to us, and we sort out the parts of this book that we appreciated, and the parts where we would disagree.
  9. Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord, thy God, in vain.
  10. David and Adam continue their series on the reasonableness of Christianity. In this episode, they cover recent New Testament scholarship on the Gospels as biography and eyewitness testimony.
  11. Caleb and Dr. Paulson continue to discuss the explanation of the First Commandment.