1. Gideon swears that none but God will be the leader of Israel, and then immediately becomes a tyrant.
  2. God always seems to work through that which is least likely to work, so that all glory is ascribed to Him.
  3. Gideon accepts the call of the Lord whole-heartedly . . . well actually no.
  4. The story of Deborah, Barak, and Jael is interesting and complicated.
  5. The Lord calls Gideon while he is hiding out in a winepress for fear of the Midianites.
  6. In today's episode of Tough Texts, Scott Keith and Daniel Emery Price discuss Abraham's willingness to sacrifice his son Isaac in Genesis 22:1-14.
  7. Craig and Troy ponder Palm Sunday as they look at Jesus riding on an unused donkey into Jerusalem.