1. What is heresy, anyway? Why does it matter? Craig and Troy walk through the basic understandings of heresy and heterodoxy and their dangers. True Biblical teaching always leads us to who Jesus really is, and who He is for you. Email us: ForYouRadio@1517.org St. James Lutheran Church www.stjameslcms.church St. Peter's Lutheran Church www.Stpeterslc.org We're proud to be a podcast of 1517.org podcasts.
  2. God never gives you more than HE can handle.
  3. Don't open the Ark. Just don't do it.
  4. Knowledge, Food, and Free Gospel Work.
  5. Holy Saturday in the Old Testament.
  6. Marriage, Singleness, and being a bondservant.
  7. War, the Ark, and the family of Eli.
  8. God calls Samuel and complicated Eli gets a hard word from the Lord.
  9. What makes the word of God "Essentially Translatable"? Reverend Rich Rudowske of Lutheran Bible Translators and the Essentially Translatable podcast talks with Craig and Troy and explains the importance of this specialized missionary work.