1. As we are continuing our "verses taken out of context" episodes, we are honored to have Rev. Bob Hiller, author of "Christ in the Straw" to help us understand James 2:26.
  2. Scott and Caleb get to the end of the Smalcald Articles.
  3. Daniel, Chad, and Erick discuss the book of Revelation, the last days, and the return of Jesus.
  4. Daniel, Chad, and Erick discuss the theology of the Apostle Paul and why it is so important.
  5. Daniel, Chad, and Erick discuss the conversion of Paul and his life as an Apostle.
  6. Daniel, Chad, and Erick discuss Pentecost, the early church, and the stoning of Stephen.
  7. Daniel, Chad, and Erick discuss the disciples. Focusing heavily on Peter, John, Matthew, and Judas.
  8. The resurrection of Jesus.
  9. The death of Jesus.