1. Order in the church and why the resurrection means everything.
  2. Saul errors by taking priestly duties into his own hands.
  3. Samuel's farewell address and Old Testament confession and absolution.
  4. A hiding King turns into a warrior.
  5. Spiritual gifts and the body of Christ.
  6. It's easier to wrap our heads around independently performing for God, rather than understanding that as we were under the law, dying because it was to heavy for us, we couldn’t hold it, Christ set us free, completed the law on our behalf, and gave us his Spirit to hold us up and help us.
  7. Scott and Caleb are joined by John Hoyum to talk about the Reformation shift on the doctrine of the Law.
  8. Dr. Paulson talks about Luther's treatment of Isaiah 43.
  9. Saul is made King and hangs out with some prophets.