1. Today on the show, we commemorate St. Andrew on his feast day.
  2. We are excited to have Natasha Kennedy, illustrator for to a children's book on the Apostle's Creed, talking about communicating through illustrated theology.
  3. Caleb, Scott, and Adam are joined by John Hoyum to talk about how churches across the world read and preach the Bible.
  4. Divide by Two, but Add by One. In this episode, we discuss Nestorius’ sermon on whether Mary was Theotokos or not and what happens when one tries to comment on the two natures of God using Greek philosophy to exegete Scripture.
  5. We continue on the 2nd article of the Apostle's Creed, we talk about how Jesus was from eternity--from before in incarnation.
  6. Today on the show, we look at Jansenism and the life of Pierre Nicole.
  7. Today on the show, we tell the story of the father of Transylvanian Unitarianism.
  8. Today on the show, we remember the “second Martin” of the Reformation on the 500th anniversary of his birth.
  9. In a world where we are expected to create our own truth, finding a firm, steady place to examine truth can be a relief from the decision fatigue.
  10. Today on the show, we talk about All Hallow’s Day, the day after Halloween.
  11. Today on the show, we head to the mailbag to answer a question about Ethiopian Christians.