1. How much forgiveness do you have? Forgiveness is a choice. What do two Monacos and one Toyota Corolla have in common? Tune in and find out!
  2. Give me oil for my lamp, keep it burning . . . The parable of the ten virgins shows us what it is to be prepared in Christ and unprepared in ourselves. #iwishwe’dallbeenready
  3. Luke 16, the “Parable” of the Rich Man and Lazarus Moses and the Prophets speak of Christ. If you don’t believe those words, why would you believe the actual resurrection?
  4. Matthew 20- “Nunya Business!” Is not God free to generously give His grace--and indeed everything that is His--to whomever it pleases Him to give?
  5. The Crazy Old Man showers undeserved grace on the idiot son . . . oh, and the prodigal son gets some love, too.
  6. “What must I do to inherit eternal life?" Jesus answers that question with a parable. We have our own question: “Who am I in this parable?” But a better question is “Who is Jesus for me in the parable?”