1. The 10 Commandments may be in the rearview mirror but God isn't done speaking. Two kinds of fear? Instructions for altars. What is worship really about? Everything is religious?
  2. Chad Bird and Daniel Emery Price finish up the 10 Commandments. They spend a lot of time talking about the Sabbath and why it contains almost as many words as the rest of the commandments put together
  3. It's time for the ten commandments! Well, it's time for the first two anyway. What does it mean to have no other God's before God's own face? Are all images forbidden no matter what?
  4. Mount Sinai is a freaky place. Darkness, thunder, lightning, and threats of death. What are the differences between Sinai and Calvary?
  5. Chad Bird and Daniel Emery Price talk about the importance of calendars and geography for the Jews. Moses is a one-man court and his father-in-law doesn't think that is wise.
  6. Chad Bird and Daniel Emery Price talk about the Israelites being attacked by Amalek. What's up with Moses having to keep his arms outstretched with the Staff of God?
  7. The people of Israel are thirsty and they're not happy about it. Moses thinks his life is in danger and the people are all about testing God.
  8. It's all bread from heaven in this episode! Well, actually there is a massive detour in the wilderness of sin. Chad Bird and Daniel Emery Price end up all over the New Testament before bringing it all back around.
  9. Chad Bird and Daniel Emery Price talk about how the Israelites (and us) struggle to be free. The faithfulness of God is shown again as they find themselves in need of water.
  10. Get ready to sing! In this episode Chad Bird and Daniel Emery Price take a look at the Song of the Sea sung by Moses and the people of Israel.
  11. This episode is soaking wet! It's all about crossing the red sea, the violence, and peace of baptism and the theme of seas in the Bible.
  12. Grab the bones of Joseph it's time to leave Egypt! A pillar of cloud and fire, a pursuing angry army and a God who says "Be still and watch this!"