1. Psalm 7 is a prayer that gives expression to those who have experienced persecution.
  2. As this Psalm is set in the the time of the Babylonian exile, Chad Bird meditates on the types of exile we find in scripture and in our lives.
  3. There are times when we feel farther away from God than we used to be. This reminds us that even though we feel exiled, God is with us in our exile.
  4. Look away from me, that I may smile again. Rather than putting on a happy face, it might be better to honestly grieve during seasons of heartbrokenness.
  5. Levites, idols, war, and an "unfaithful” concubine.
  6. Silver, a. cult, and a hireling priest.
  7. Sin is everywhere. Betrayal is everywhere. But the Christ whom Samson foreshadows has the final word.
  8. A donkey jawbone, a prostitute, and the gates of hell.
  9. A wedding, a riddle, a tragedy, and 300 fire-tails.
  10. Don't let people convince you that staying home is heroic. Unless of course you are listening to Ringside while staying home! Than you, my friend, are an Erol Flynn! Luther on the Resurrection.
  11. Seeing God, the birth of Samson and rabbit hole regarding Hagar.