1. Salt, grace, and the end of Colossians.
  2. Kill the old man along with spiritual elevation.
  3. What is lacking in Christ's afflictions?
  4. Dr. Paulson talks about the importance of distinguishing between Law and Gospel.
  5. Jesus is Lord, even of little Colossae.
  6. According to the make believe wokeness-ometer, Jesus qualifies as the most authoritative voice because he was the most oppressed. Poor Jew, not from Jerusalem, under Roman rule, betrayed by his own, even his friends, killed because of his identity. Listen to him.
  7. Wade and Mike welcome guest Rev. Daniel Waldschmidt of St. John’s Lutheran in Burlington, WI in order to discuss the New Perspective on Paul. Rev. Waldschmidt patiently explains to the guys what this new view of St. Paul entails. While this topic is complicated, Rev. Waldschmidt does a nice job of explaining the basics of this view and how it doesn’t match up with the traditional Reformation reading of St. Paul and his epistles.