1. Chad and Daniel begin the book of Ruth in this episode.
  2. Jesus stands before Pilate and Herod and ends up crucified.
  3. Chad and Daniel wrap up the book of Judges
  4. Three denials, two swords, and one kiss.
  5. Chad and Daniel wrestle with one of the darkest and most heart-wrenching passages in the old testament.
  6. Levites, idols, war, and an "unfaithful” concubine.
  7. It’s almost all eschatology is this episode. Is Jesus talking about things that have happened or things that will happen?
  8. Silver, a. cult, and a hireling priest.
  9. Chief Priests, Scribes, Sadducees, and a harsh parable.
  10. Sin is everywhere. Betrayal is everywhere. But the Christ whom Samson foreshadows has the final word.
  11. A giver, a thief, a donkey, and a whip in the hand of Jesus.