1. David flees and finds refuge in a cave. Four hundred desperate men join up with him. And Saul visits the priest who helped David and the whole town suffers the wrath of the mad king.
  2. . . . but the joke's on Herod. Joseph takes Mary and baby Jesus to refuge in Egypt, and all that happens in Matthew 2 is done in order to fulfill the prophecies of the Old Testament.
  3. Is David a law-breaker? Is Jesus a law-breaker?
  4. King Herod's rule is threatened when the Magi come to worship the one born King of the Jews. But did they spill the beans?
  5. The 3rd heaven, a thorn in the flesh, and the sufficient grace of God.
  6. God will forever be man. While you think about that, take a listen to our recent episode on the elevation of human beings on Christmas, Mary’s unique role, and ministering to public servants unable to be home for Christmas.
  7. Chad and Daniel are joined by Erick Sorensen as well as the hosts of Theocast (Jon Moffitt, Jimmy Buehler & Justin Perdue) to discuss the implications of God becoming flesh.
  8. Erick and Daniel are joined by Chad Bird as well as the hosts of Theocast (Jon Moffitt, Jimmy Buehler & Justin Perdue) to discuss the implications of God becoming flesh.
  9. The heartbreak of David and Johnathon.
  10. "Joseph, being a just man, was unwilling to put her to shame." The young woman Mary turns up pregnant before the wedding, and what is a fiancé to do?