1. Worshipping the hidden God is basically a funeral with cake! Gillespie and Riley discuss the distinction between God hidden and revealed, and the consequences for how we read the Bible, preach, teach, and care for each other.
  2. On this episode the Fellows answer a handful of questions submitted by listeners. Among them is the question, is baptism a good work that earns salvation? Sit back, relax, grab a drink, and enjoy the show.
  3. Break the cycle. Rise above. Focus on letting God be God. Gillespie and Riley read and discuss Martin Luther’s treatise on the Bondage of The Will. This episode, why Erasmus, deep down, doesn’t want to let God be God for him. Also, why we let God’s Word stand unless we need it to take a knee.
  4. C’mon. Free choice? It’s a thought we’ve all had. Gillespie and Riley discuss why free choice is nothing in relation to God and Satan. Why do we insist on participating in our salvation? What’s our end game in arguments for choice? How do we play fast and loose with the Bible to get us there?
  5. Paul wraps up his “missionary support letter” by seeking support for the church around the known world in both spiritual and physical ways. A lot of names are mentioned--some we know, some we don’t--but God has used them all.
  6. But,  what about the reality we left behind? Gillespie and Riley discuss original sin and free choice as they continue to read Martin Luther's treatise on "The Bondage of The Will." In this episode, free choice, grace, and Paul paint old Adam into a corner.
  7. Oh, wow... that's an intense line of questioning. Gillespie and Riley discuss the vital distinction between the righteousness of works and faith in Martin Luther's "The Bondage of The Will." In this episode, it's Abraham, Paul, and the destruction of all our good and virtuous works.
  8. It is an honor to be a proclaimer of the Gospel, and we have much to be proud of in Christ who empties us of our sins and fills us with His grace.
  9. Gotta rip the bandaid off now. You’ll thank us later. Gillespie and Riley continue to read and discuss Martin Luther’s work on The Bondage of The Will. This week, reading the Bible categorically, doing theology categorically, and why rejecting election is rejecting Christ and his gifts.