1. If vengeance belongs to God how should we deal with evil?
  2. God explains that He has humbled Israel for their own good. How should we view the discipline of God? What does it mean that man cannot live by bread alone?
  3. Paul says in view of God’s mercy we should present ourselves to Him as a living sacrifice.
  4. How does the present way the Israelites speak of the exodus help us with how we understand our salvation? How do we deal with the judgment of God on entire nations of people?
  5. Has God rejected Israel? What happens when you try to obtain the promises of God through law-keeping?
  6. Chad and Daniel start chapter 6 of Deuteronomy. God tells the people to listen and to teach the word of God. What is the significance of the language of milk and honey?
  7. Paul says that many did not obtain righteousness because they pursued it through the law and not faith.
  8. Chad and Daniel continue discussing the “Ten Commandments”. What does it mean to take the Lord’s name in vain? What does it mean to “keep” the Sabbath?
  9. How are we to understand election in Romans 9? What does it mean that God loved Jacob and hated Esau?
  10. God explains what His name means and contrasts Himself with every false god. Do the “10 Commandments” apply to Christians? Is “10 commandments” the right way to view these words from God?
  11. All views of election and predestination are not equal. These are doctrines meant to comfort and provide assurance.
  12. We are told to fear God. Does that mean we are to live our whole life being afraid of God or is something else going on? What is the difference between listening to God and obeying Him?