1. Ruth chapter three is either sweet or sensuous, but either way God's plan for the Redeemer shines through in the end.
  2. Receiving our due and the doctrine of imputation.
  3. David plays the harp and Goliath takes the field.
  4. Meanwhile our heroine, mild-mannered Ruth, gathers the gleanings to provide for her mother-in-law. But who is this mysterious God-sent stranger?
  5. The end of Agag and the beginning of David.
  6. Saul and the regretful God who doesn't regret.
  7. Introduction and first chapter of 2nd Corinthians.
  8. Chad explains the context and background of Psalm 52 and explores the destructive power of the tongue. The Psalm.
  9. The first section of Psalm 44 teaches about the life of the redeemed.