1. Kelsi and her husband, Doug Klembara, share how they navigated their theological differences in the early days of marriage.
  2. In episode TWO HUNDRED AND EIGHTY-TWO, Mike, Jason, and Wade discuss the importance of lifelong learning, especially for clergy.
  3. As Gretchen Ronnevik was with her family at Mount Carmel Bible Camp, she ran into her friends, Nathan and Joy Hoff who run an internship program in California for young adults at their church.
  4. In episode TWO HUNDRED AND SEVENTY-SEVEN, Mike, Jason, and Wade discuss time and space, building on Episode 276 (Travel, Books, and Language).
  5. In this episode, Kelsi interviews Dr. Robert Kolb about his newest book, ⁠Face to Face: Luther's View of Reality⁠.
  6. In episode TWO HUNDRED AND SEVENTY-SIX, Mike, Jason, and Wade discuss travel, books, and language.
  7. It’s Hip to Be Square. In this episode, we discuss the errors of high anthropology, the kingdom of God, theology of glory, theology of the world, realized eschatology, adding “isms” to Christianity, the necessity of the embodied Word of God, John’s gospel, Colossians, and real antinomianism while reading False Presence of the Kingdom by Jacques Ellul.
  8. Dr. Anthony Bradley serves as a distinguished research fellow at The Acton Institute and Research Professor of Interdisciplinary and Theological Studies at Kuyper College.
  9. In episode TWO HUNDRED AND SEVENTY-TWO, Mike, Jason, and Wade discuss comedy and its ability to speak in a unique and needed way in our day.
  10. David and Adam talk with Dr. Abigail Favale (of Notre Dame University) about sex, gender, and feminism. You can purchase her outstanding books here.
  11. During a live recording at the HWSS NWA conference, Kelsi was joined by author Celeste Shally to discuss her book, "While We Wait: Clinging to Christ in the Trenches of Special-Needs Parenting."