1. When man gives freedom it sometimes ends up being more confining. When man fights for equality it ends up being more oppressive. Repent and believe the Good News!
  2. The Rock searching for donkeys but finding a throne.
  3. God never gives you more than HE can handle.
  4. Don't open the Ark. Just don't do it.
  5. Knowledge, Food, and Free Gospel Work.
  6. Holy Saturday in the Old Testament.
  7. Professor and author John Pless extends his time with Craig and Troy as we go deeper with this notion of "vocation." What does God call us to in society? What does God call us to in our families? If I'm to serve my neighbor, how do I know who that is? Once again, John helps to keep the us practically centered on Jesus Christ.
  8. Marriage, Singleness, and being a bondservant.