1. The seventh episode of the History of The Reformation brings the Fellows to a challenging time in Lutheran history.
  2. As the Biblical text transforms Luther’s positions on grace and justification, he shifts his writing from disputations to letters targeted at the common man, secular rulers, and the Roman church.
  3. On episode EIGHTY-SIX of Let the Bird Fly! the guys welcome back Rev. Dr. Mark Braun from Wisconsin Lutheran College.
  4. On this episode, pastor and author Jared Wilson brings his exuberance for life and the gospel to bear on the doctrine of the Holy Spirit. Wilson helps us navigate between some of the craziness associated with the "work of the spirit" and the real Gospel hope we find in this doctrine.
  5. On the very first episode of The Soul of Christianity we have welcomed one of our favorite authors from mbird.com and the vicar of Grace Anglican Mission in Louisville, KY, Nick Lannon. The Rev. Lannon walks us through the very first clause of the Apostles Creed: "I Believe in God The Father..." and helps us think through issues of creation, our Creator and what it means in light of the Gospel.
  6. Caleb Keith is joined by Drs. Jim Nestingen and John Pless for a special episode recorded in Bergen Norway.
  7. The Small Catechism was a tool for pastors and families to learn the essential doctrine of the Chrisitan faith.
  8. Hallo! This week the Thinking Fellows are in Germany as special guests to the Confessio Augustana conference. Capitalizing on this experience, Dr. Keith, and producer Caleb sit down with Drs. Bob Kolb and Uwe Siemon-Netto. Our guests along with Dr. Keith discuss Two Kingdom theory clarifying our earlier episode on the topic. Sit back, relax, grab a drink, and enjoy the show!
  9. The Thinking Fellows return to their Loci topics in episode 23. Drs. Keith, Rosenbladt, and Francisco discuss the history and purpose behind Two Kingdom theory while also covering its limitations. Sit back, relax, grab a drink, and enjoy the show.