1. Hey Man, Nice Shot. In this episode, we discuss Rene Girard’s argument for why Jesus’ death as a scapegoat is unique to all other sacrifices in human history. What is violence for? What is a scapegoat, and why is one necessary for peace and good order? How does Jesus break the law machinery that demands a victim?
  2. Sarah Hinlicky Wilson joins Kelsi to talk about her new novel, A Tumblin' Down, the good and bad of church community, and how the Christian belief isn't always best defined by our own self-reflection.
  3. In episode TWO HUNDRED AND THIRTY-SEVEN, Mike, Wade, and Greg discuss despair, disenchantment, acedia, and other despair-related things.
  4. On this episode of Preaching the Text, John Hoyum and Steve Paulson discuss the way in which Christ relieves us of our burdens, whether burdens of sin or burdens of suffering.
  5. In episode TWO HUNDRED AND THIRTY-SIX, Mike and Wade discuss disappointment.
  6. In episode TWO HUNDRED AND THIRTY-FIVE, Mike, Wade, and Greg (sitting in Jason’s abandoned seat) discuss death.
  7. In this episode, the Thinking Fellows discuss the centrality and importance of Christians' doctrinal content and confessions.
  8. In today's episode of Tough Texts, Scott Keith and Daniel Emery Price delve into Matthew 8:28-34. This passage recounts the encounter of Jesus with two demon-possessed men, and their subsequent deliverance.
  9. In this episode, the Thinking Fellows ask, what are sacred spaces, and do we need them?
  10. In this episode, the Thinking Fellows discuss the idea of orthodoxy. What does it mean to be orthodox or to have an orthodox faith?
  11. Diving for Gomers. In this episode, we have a much-needed conversation about slavery to sin, Ezekiel’s whore metaphor for God’s relationship with his people, and why it’s important that Christians not shy away from difficult conversations about how God describes sin and grace in the Bible.