1. Paul gives instruction on how to deal with those with “weak faith”.
  2. God makes sure that Israel understands why He destroyed certain nations and why He gave them the promised land. Is the Old Testament about works while the New Testament is about grace?
  3. Meet Craig and Troy. They're a couple of Pastors from the Cleveland area. In this episode, Craig and Troy will talk a little about what they're about and then they will get to the book of Romans. Who was this Saul of Tarsus who persecuted the early Christian Church? How did Saul become Paul and how did he go from killing Christians to authoring the majority of the New Testament? Join the boys for this episode as they discuss these things and much more.
  4. The series on the history of the Reformation comes to an end with a recap on the Formula of Concord and the beginnings of the Thirty Years War.
  5. If vengeance belongs to God how should we deal with evil?
  6. God explains that He has humbled Israel for their own good. How should we view the discipline of God? What does it mean that man cannot live by bread alone?
  7. This episode of the Thinking Fellows focuses on the second generation of Lutheran reformers.
  8. Paul says in view of God’s mercy we should present ourselves to Him as a living sacrifice.
  9. How does the present way the Israelites speak of the exodus help us with how we understand our salvation? How do we deal with the judgment of God on entire nations of people?
  10. Between the years 1550 and 1560 the giants of the Reformation are dying. The Fellows discuss the political and theological turmoil that occurred as a result of the Smalcald war.
  11. Has God rejected Israel? What happens when you try to obtain the promises of God through law-keeping?
  12. Chad and Daniel start chapter 6 of Deuteronomy. God tells the people to listen and to teach the word of God. What is the significance of the language of milk and honey?