1. Gretchen Ronnevik and Katie Koplin discuss today the issue of pain in childbirth, and whether or not taking pain medication during childbirth effects your sanctification, or your moral standing.
  2. Dr. Lydia Jaeger discusses her book, Ordinary Splendor, with Kelsi and the implications of the doctrine of creation for the Christian's life.
  3. Don’t be lukewarm, eat dinner with Jesus.
  4. Jezebel, Balaam and three churches.
  5. In episode TWO HUNDRED AND FORTY-THREE, Mike, Wade (even though he was just supposed to work the board), Jason, Nick Schmoller, and Dave Scharf discuss Lutheran higher education and the formation of students.
  6. Bruce, Adam, and Caleb discuss the textual and narrative differences between the four gospel accounts of Jesus' life and ministry.
  7. In this episode we have on one of Gretchen's closest friends who happens to be a foster mother.
  8. In this episode of Tough Texts, Scott Keith and Daniel Emery Price delve into two thought-provoking passages from the Bible: Leviticus 24:19-22 and Matthew 5:38-44.