1. Let's be honest: your Heavenly mansion is not going to be that big, and it gets smaller with every room addition that you plan. Craig and Troy work through Jesus' warnings to not be a hypocrite.
  2. Jesus ruthlessly hammers us with a Law that we cannot escape so that He might give us a Gospel that will never abandon us.
  3. You ARE salt and light. By our new nature in Christ, we do salty and light things. But how is God glorified in the things that we do? https://bookofconcord.org/sources-and-context/heidelberg-disputation/
  4. Mercy, peace, and pureness of heart are not something we find in ourselves, but we find them in Christ, and in Christ we are found to be all those things.
  5. The Beatitudes aren't veiled Law, but pure gracious Gospel. Jesus tells us we are blessed when we are found in Him.
  6. Eating a whole turkey by yourself? May we join? Hit play, grab a leg, dip in cranberry, and enjoy what some people call the greatest meeting of minds since Shane MacGowan got together with Nick Cave to record My Way!
  7. When man gives freedom it sometimes ends up being more confining. When man fights for equality it ends up being more oppressive. Repent and believe the Good News!
  8. How big can you build your cross? Or maybe that's not what Jesus wants from his followers. I guess you should listen to find out...
  9. Erick and Daniel spend a lot of time on a parable Jesus tells to “some who trusted in themselves that they were righteous, and treated others with contempt” and how everyone gets trapped in it. They end by discussing what it means to bring children to Jesus.
  10. Jesus tells a parable about a rich man and a poor man named Lazarus. Is this a story about hell or something else?