1. This episode is all about brothers being reconciled and how it looks like God. Join Chad and Daniel as they unpack this incredible story.
  2. The doctrine of conversion is highly debated among Christians. The Thinking Fellows find their answer not so surprisingly away from logic and back in Christ. Sit back, relax, grab a drink, and enjoy the show.
  3. Chad and Daniel talk about praying badly, assuming the worst about someone and the God who lets you beat Him.
  4. On episode 6 the Thinking Fellows talk about faith. Faith is one of the Solas of the Reformation, and is instrumental to salvation. Follow the good Drs. as they discuss why faith isn't a work and explain the difference between faith in worldly things and faith in God. Sit back, relax, grab a drink and enjoy the show.
  5. Every doctrine of Christianity hinges on the person and work of Christ. Sit back,relax and grab a drink as the fellows talk about whats truth and whats heresy concerning Christ.
  6. Chad and Daniel talk about Jacob bailing out on Laban. Rachel stealing her father's idols and how getting what you don't deserve offends everyone.
  7. Chad and Daniel discuss childbearing competitions, mandrakes, sacramental sticks and the remembering of God. It's all a little weird... but God wrote what He wrote.
  8. On episode 5 of the Thinking Fellows, we talk about Justification. Find out why justification is the article upon which the Church stands or falls. Sit back, relax, and grab a drink as Drs. Rosenbladt, Keith and Francisco explore this foundational doctrine.
  9. During episode 4, the Thinking Fellows tackle the topic of God's Grace. Grace is an attitude on the part of God whereby He sees the unjust sinner as just, on account of Christ alone.
  10. Chad and Daniel discuss the events leading up to Jacob finally meeting his match in the art of deception.
  11. Chad and Daniel talk about how much Esau's mother hates him and how she justifies it.
  12. Jacob and Rebekah come up with and execute a plan to deceive Isaac and steal from Esau.