1. In episode THREE HUNDRED AND TWELVE, Mike, Jason, and Wade discuss the Protestant fear of formalism, or ritualism?
  2. You May Be Right… In this episode of Banned Books, we read Anselm of Canterbury’s Meditation on Sin and Penance. We discuss the consequences of sin, the Fountain of Mercy, Jesus’ excuses, the doctrine of simul iustus et peccator, theological presuppositions, and how we speak influences our behavior.
  3. Dig, Lazarus, Dig! In this episode of Banned Books, we read St. John Chrysostom’s sermon on the Rich Man and Lazarus — wealth, poverty, Satanic feasts, ivory beds, spiritual warriors, Chaldean comfort dogs, and the dangers of actors and perfume on this podcast episode.
  4. In episode THREE HUNDRED AND SEVEN, Jason and Wade discuss various terms used to describe Christian churches and which ones apply to Lutherans today.
  5. Good Christians, One and All Rejoice? In this episode, we read Origen’s response to Celsus about whether or not Christians are detrimental or beneficial to society. Does the Church uplift or undermine culture? What part does faith play in living a virtuous life?
  6. Superabundance. In this episode, we read Origen’s commentary on St. Paul’s epistle to the Romans. We discuss the accusations leveled at Origen’s orthodoxy, exegetical method, and critique of Marcion and discuss how what was written so long ago is relevant to Christians today.
  7. The Thinking Fellows dive into the life and work of the Venerable Bede, one of the most influential figures in early Christian history.
  8. Same Old Story.. In this episode, we read various Christian and non-Christian sources from the first two centuries, discussing their understandings of Jesus Christ, the church, law, and the Gospel, and the effect of the Christian faith on people in Roman society.
  9. The Fellows discuss St. Gregory of Nyssa's Catechetical Discourse, a series of objections and answers to confessions of the Christian faith.
  10. In this episode of Outside Ourselves, Kelsi talks with Theologian Simeon Zahl about his book, The Holy Spirit and Christian Experience.
  11. The Thinking Fellows are starting a new series highlighting the history of Christian thought.
  12. Seminary professor John Pless joins Craig and Troy for a discussion on the history, mystery, and beauties of the church year.